Enjoy up to date happenings and highlights of events at Pine Portage Lodge where our guests "FISH THE FINEST" Check back often to view our updated blogs: For more information on Pine Portage Lodge visit our web site at www.fishthefinest.com
Pine Portage Lodge located on Kabinakagami Lake, Watson's Algoma Vacations year round Reservation office 1-800-363-4443 is located in Wawa, Ontario, Canada
In 1941 at the age of 18 Dick Watson Sr. joined the R.C.A.F. and went to serve his country. After four years of flying fighter planes and being shot down three times, he returned home in 1945 as a war hero. It was at this time that he decided to fulfill his dreams of starting a tourism business on Kabinakagami Lake using his military earnings. Dick and his wife Edna married in 1946 and together they began to build their future at Pine Portage Lodge.
We have had some extremely hot weather in Northern Ontario. On May 24th it reached at least 90 F and yesterday May 25th our thermometer read out a whopping 100 F during the day and at about 6 p.m. it read 120 F once the sun came around and was shining on the thermometer. What a difference from last year it was snowing and we actually had snow storm conditions here at the lodge. The Brown party with all of their kids usually come in opening weekend which was around May 15th and for the last two years they have had to deal with snow, snow, snow, but this year it was sun, sun and more sun. A quote from Russ Brown 'I would rather have the snow, this weather is to hot'.
May 2009
Even though we have low water and hot weather the upside of all this is that the FISHING HAS BEEN FANTASTIC. It's pretty bad when our guests are complaining about catching two many fish, we always love complaints like that. We will be posting more pictures so keep in touch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcAnhdxuBq c Thanks to the Nagy Party for the time they take to put these great video's together for others to enjoy. See you this summer and look forward to the 2010 video already.